Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hello, everyone!

Well, in this case, "everyone" consists of "just me." I'm starting this here blog to track my status as I begin the journey towards getting my CCIE number. For those not in the know, the CCIE (stands for Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) is the top certification for Network Engineers, IT people in general, and Presidents of the United States of America. Maybe not the last one, but it's big. First, though, allow me to say a little bit about myself.

I'm a recent graduate from a college in New York, while it isn't Ivy League, it doesn't have to make excuses for itself either. I was a Computer Science major, and how I ended up in the IT field is a mystery to me. I was going to be a programmer; go figure. I obtained my CCNA earlier in 2007, and received my CCNP in early May. I started studying for the CCIE shortly after, because I'm not going to let all my knowledge be forgotten.

Rather, that's what I planned to do. I didn't start until a week ago. I'm stuck at school for summer classes, where I learned about the CCIE program they had. Thus, I have a pod of routers and switches all to myself, as well as some study materials. I still plan to get the books on my own. I'm moving down south to North Carolina to work. As of right now, I'm remembering what exactly Multicast is. It's that thing with the other thing, right?

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