Sunday, June 22, 2008

How I Wasted my Weekend

I spent my Friday and Saturday watching the entire Star Wars trilogy and its bastard offspring, the Prequel Trilogy. I must say, they're a pretty good 4.3 movies. Now, I can't say anything new, I've seen them all before, not back to back, but alone. Everything that can really be said about these movies has already been said by people much smarter than me. However, I want to ask one question:

What the hell is up with Palpatine? I mean, I've never seen such a Goldbergian method of securing power. He had so many fail points, where the entire thing could fall down around him based off the actions of one or two people. If he wasn't elected Chancellor, then he'd be screwed there in his plan to become Master of the Universe or whatever. And also, what's up with the Senate? One guy proposes a bill and the rest of the senators explode with support and unanimously (and immediately) pass it? Maybe I'm jaded by American politics, but where's the debate? I mean, really. The bill was introduced by Jar Jar Binks. That's reason enough to reject it.

One last thought, though. R2-D2 is has the foulest mouth out of anyone in the series. I bet his beeps and boops are just audio dubbing over his foul, foul language.

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